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Red Baron Red Baron is offline now
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Player #405
Joined WarGear 14th Nov 2009
Last Visit 14th Oct 2023 11:54
Country United States
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14th Oct 2020 08:37
Message from Aiken Drumn
Here is the Antastic! discussion thread btw! http://www.wargear.net/forum/showthread/5200p1/Antastic_(with_return_to_attack_after_fortify) I was just pondering a variant where you can return to attack phase after fortify. I don't believe this was an option when you made the map. I believe it is now possible to have either option over-layed over your map when you create a new game. I love how your map plays.. it just tends to be a little slow. RTA would allow faster games.. more flowy like ants!
#12 of 12
13th Oct 2020 20:48
Message from Amidon37
Hey - I believe it has been awhile since you visited Wargear.net If by chance you get this message can you contact me about Antastic? (It is still much loved.) Thanks -
#11 of 12
10th May 2011 06:24
Message from uitslaapteiger
is there no team fortify/placement on antastic or did i not look right?
#10 of 12
21st Apr 2011 08:55
Message from Amidon37
Ignore me, I was wrong. I didn't resize the continent window.
#9 of 12
14th Apr 2011 10:28
Message from Amidon37
I think the Mutiny on the Bounty map is missing the +7 continent for the top deck.
#8 of 12
12th Apr 2011 12:04
Message from Yertle
Heya Red, I thought you may be interested in this board design competition, http://www.wargear.net/forum/showthread/1502p1/First_Vote_for_Map_Making_CollectiveCompetition ? Competition is 2 months to have a Pangea themed board through Dev and ready to be voted on and put together in a collection. tom's thrown in a $100 prize as well. Hope all is well and hope you can perhaps make the competition! =Yertle
#7 of 12
8th Jun 2010 02:16
Message from ScottGomez
You are a genius just because of the Australian Risk board. Just thought I'd let you know.
#6 of 12
26th Mar 2010 22:47
Message from Yertle
Cool cool. I went ahead and updated the Black Player color to White for Antastic, although Player colors are something you can modify to the Live version yourself as well without having to Retire/Repromote (so that tab is similar to the Board Description), although the changes don't take affect until future games.
#5 of 12
26th Mar 2010 13:03
Message from Yertle
Heya, I hope you don't mind, but I went ahead and made those two fixes to Medieval Europe for the Live Version. Let me know if anything comes up, or if you wanted to save it for a different version I can change it back. Thanks!
#4 of 12
24th Mar 2010 01:08
Message from asm
The black player color on Antastic matches the black used for borders.
#3 of 12
15th Mar 2010 11:05
Message from Morbo
Hey, on your Medieval Europe map there is a missing connection from Aquitaine to Leon and Asturias. I just got screwed because of it :/ ...great map otherwise :)
#2 of 12
10th Dec 2009 18:00
Message from Magpie
Hey! Any plans to bring your Mutiny on the Bounty map over here? That was one of my favorites.
#1 of 12
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